Thursday 3 October 2013

Academic readings for dissertation

Although I haven't looked very far into 3D animation in the past, I understand the basics from my knowledge of 2D animation. I have decided to read a few books which will hopefully help me learn some more advanced techniqures for 3D animation, as well as the specific knowledge of character animations. I also want to learn how to express emotions through the animation without having to use sound. 

 '3D Art Essentials : The Fundamentals of 3D Modeling and Animation' by Ami Chopine

This book was recommended to me by Daniel Leaf on my course, and is apparently very useful for teaching the basic fundamentals of animation. I will primarily focus on the chapters about animation as opposed to the ones about modeling and animations.

'Character Emotion in 2D and 3D Animation' by Les Pardew
I don't know a lot about this book, but the subject sounds interesting and it should hopefully be useful for my dissertation.

These are the two books I will start with reading, but I plan to do more research into different areas soon.

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