Thursday 22 May 2014

Problem when moving scenes

On the 16th of May I encountered a problem with my scene files in 3DS Max, but decided not to blog about it until it was resolved. When I transferred the 3DS scene files from my laptop onto my desktop, I found that the mesh was showing up at grey, whilst when I applied the same material to any other object it appeared normal. However, when I rendered the scene, everything appeared normal; see the image below for an example.

After searching online I couldn't find an answer, so I decided to create a forum post on Tech-Artists forums. After trying out the help suggested to me, I found that none of them seemed to work. Their advise did, however, lead me to a forum post dealing with a somewhat similar subject. In the end, it appeared to be an error with their graphics card, and I theorised that this could be the problem with mine too. After installing 3DS Max 2015 it suddenly works fine, so I'm going to use that from now on.

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