Friday 9 May 2014

Creating the facial morph

After following the tutorials I created 8 expressions for the face, although I probably won't include the last one  as it didn't turn out very well. These took around 3 hours to create, and most of that time was spent moving the mouth around; because of this, I decided that I wouldn't create the phonetic lip syncing as it would take too much time. If I plan to use my rig in a longer animation after my dissertation, I may come back and add these.

With the Morpher modifier applied to the face I can now use multiple morph targets simultaneously, as you can see below.

Following from section 36 of a tutorial called 'Cartoony Eye Setup', I created Look-At targets for my eyes to follow. Each eye can move individually, pointing at the small green cubes you see below; they can also be moved as one using the big white cube around them.

I finished off the rig by attaching the head to the biped and skinning it so that the neck bends in a realistic way. Unfortunately, because the model is so dense there are some extreme rotations that begin to deform the neck, but these are not encountered during natural animation.

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