Tuesday 8 April 2014

Modelling - Part 6

In order to create the hand, I decided to follow a separate online tutorial as I felt that the method used in the Digital Tutors class had too many polygons for what I wanted.

The tutorial I followed goes through the process step-by-step, and shows a simple way to create human hands. Although I followed it fairly closely, I did have to make changes to the proportions of the fingers as I'm dealing with a cartoon character.

The first step involved creating a cube and then dividing it into sections for the fingers and thumb. I decided to give my character 3 fingers instead of 4, as a lot of my favourite cartoons feature characters with only 3 fingers.

Connecting the hand to the forearm involved converting quads to triangles on the arm, and then re-shaping the wrist to fit in.

By turning on Subdivision Surfaces on each part of the model, I can get a better idea of what the finalised version will look like, and where I need to add more detail.

I decided to add hairstyle that was in the original design, as it seemed the easiest and most fitting for the character. To make the base of the hair I used the extrude tool on pre-existing faces, and then cut out and re-shaped the top of it. I also moved the vertices on the hairline around to make the edge loop around smoothly.

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