Saturday 12 April 2014

Texturing - Part 1

To UV Map the chest I used pelt mapping to lay out each half (front and back) of the chest and lay them next to eachother.

Using Photoshop I created a simple map which has a collar, a slight shadow on the belt (where his belly ends) and sweat patches under his arms.

I did the legs in a similar way, pelt mapping the front and back to lay them flat.

Unlike the chest, I decided to then stitch them together in the middle and adjust the map accordingly, to make the texture seamless.

After creating the texture in Photoshop, I had to merge it with the chest texture by re-scaling the UVs to fit in underneath.

The hand is split up into sections for the top and bottoms of each finger, as well as the top and bottom of the base hand, and then pelt mapped to flatten the UVs.

Although I plan to come back and add more detail later (mainly to the palm of the hand), I made some basic indications such as fingernails and creases on the tops and bottom.

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