Monday 20 January 2014

Dissertation Timetable

As you can see from the timetable below, I have left 10 days at the end so that if anything takes longer than expected, I can overrun a little. I also predict that the animation smoothing won't take as long as predicted.

20th Jan – 24th Jan
Write script for animation
25th Jan – 26th Jan

27th Jan – 3rd Feb
Draw storyboard from script
Production 1
4th Febuary
Create ‘Part 1’ geometry

5th Feb - 9th Feb
Create ‘Part 1’ layout

10th Feb – 15th Feb
Block out ‘Part 1’ animation

16th Feb – 27th Feb
Smooth out ‘Part 1’ animation

28th Feb – 2nd Mar
Set up cameras for ‘Part 1’ animation

3rd March
Set up lighting for ‘Part 1’ animation

4th March
Export ‘Part 1’ animation as PNG Image Sequence
Production 2
5th March
Create ‘Part 2’ geometry

6th Mar – 10th Mar
Create ‘Part 2’ layout

11th Mar – 16th Mar
Block out ‘Part 2’ animation

17th Mar – 28th Mar
Smooth out ‘Part 2’ animation

29th Mar – 31st Mar
Set up cameras for ‘Part 2’ animation

1st April
Set up lighting for ‘Part 2’ animation

2nd April
Export ‘Part 2’ animation as PNG Image Sequence
Production 3
3rd April
Create ‘Part 3’ geometry

4th April – 8th April
Create ‘Part 3’ layout

9th April – 15th April
Block out ‘Part 3’ animation

16th April – 28th April
Smooth out ‘Part 3’ animation

29th April – 1st May
Set up cameras for ‘Part 3’ animation

2nd May
Set up lighting for ‘Part 3’ animation

3rd May
Export ‘Part 3’ animation as PNG Image Sequence
2nd May – 10th May
Edit video together in Sony Vegas

11th May – 13th May
Add sound to project in Sony Vegas
14th May – 23rd May

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